Carter's arrival is right around the 10 days to be exact, if he waits until his eviction otherwise it really could be any day. I can't believe how fast this time has gone, when I was pregnant with Stella it seemed to take forever but this has just flown by. I was thinking last night that this will be our last weekend, just the three of us, our little family of 3 will turn into a full on family of 4 so soon. I can't believe that so soon I will have a tiny newborn in my arms. Although Stella is still my baby she is so self sufficient. She can feed herself, wipe her own nose and tell me what she needs and if something is wrong. I can't believe we will be starting over in no time. I know it will be so different and that I will have the best little helper by my side. I tear up when I think about the day that Stella gets to meet her little brother, how happy she will be to finally get to see him and hold him. I feel blessed that we are able to give her a sibling. Here is my all my countdowns.
10 days until he gets his eviction notice
5 days of work left
1 more doctor appointment