Friday, July 16, 2010

What are the chances?

One of my best friends growing up was a boy named Josh. We met in middle school and were great friends, we went to the same church and attended the same young group. We remained friends through highschool and then at some point while we were both in college lost touch. When I gave in and signed up for a facebook account 2 years ago I saw that his little sister was on there. From looking at her pictures I saw that he had gotten married, I was obviously so happy for him so I asked his sister to tell him I said "Congrats." He emailed me the next day and we began catching up. He told me about his wife Denise and how alike we were, he said "if you are the same person you two would get along great." Well...I don't think he really know how great we would get along. The first time we met we were instant friends, it was like we had know each other for years. We had already had Stella when we met and Josh and Denise were trying for their first baby. Well I found out I was pregnant with Carter and Denise was one of the first people I called. She was very excited for us although I know a litle sad that she wasn't pregnant yet. Little did either of us know that she was pregnant as we would find out a couple day later. We knew our due dates would be really close and when we both went to our seperate doctor found out that they were in fact one day apart. Well due to the fact that she needed to have a c-section and I was being induced we ended up having our babies on the same day, hours apart. She had Addison Lauren and a couple hours later Carter arrived. We call them the twins. It is so crazy to think that my son shares a birthday with my childhood friend's daughter, and that his wife would have ended up to be one of my best friends. Really, what are the chances?


  1. Aw that was so sweet and made me shed a tear.. Don't know why maybe because I am an emotional wreck and cry at toliet paper commercials now....... =)

  2. That is precious! Love the pic, too. I am new to your blog (found it on topmommyblogs) but have enjoyed reading. :) This is such a great story, I had to comment. Best of luck to you! -Anna

  3. What a great story! How lucky for them to already have a great friend by their side too!
